
The Pharmacy Times® Retail Clinical Role section is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights on issues pertaining to retail, community, and independent pharmacists.

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close up on herpes zoster on the back - Image credit: irontrybex |
Study: Shingles Could Increase Risk of Cognitive Decline

September 6th 2024

Individuals with a history of shingles was significantly and independently connected with a 20% higher risk of for subjective cognitive decline.

Sublingual table, stoke, cardiovascular | Image Credit: Alex Photo -
FDA Grants Breakthrough Therapy Designation to Sanbexin for Acute Ischemic Stroke

September 6th 2024

Blood collection tubes Respiratory syncytial virus(RSV) test positive results,medical concept - Image credit: JUN LI |
RSV Vaccination Could Decrease Hospitalization Among Adults 60 Years and Older

September 6th 2024

Boarding sign in airport -- Image credit: alice_photo |
Expert: Travel Vaccines Should Be Personalized Based on the Destination

September 6th 2024

Are OTC Proton Pump Inhibitors a Boon Or a Curse?
Are OTC Proton Pump Inhibitors a Boon Or a Curse?

September 5th 2024

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