Yvette C. Terrie, BSPharm, RPh, is a consulting pharmacist and medical writer in Haymarket, Virginia.
Self-Care Measures for the Prevention and Management of Constipation
Pharmacists can identify medications and conditions that may augment or exacerbate constipation.
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Educate Patients About First Aid Kit Essentials
With a wealth of available nonprescription options, patients should know about various products and their uses.
Educate Patients About Nonprescription Products for Self-Treatment of Headaches
In addition, pharmacists can screen for potential contraindications and drug-drug interactions.
Empowering Patients With Self-Care Measures for the Management and Prevention of Osteoarthritis
Providing crucial information allows patients to take charge of their treatments.
Provide Counseling About OTC Blood Glucose Tools
Pharmacists can increase awareness about the value of monitoring glucose and the proper use of nonprescription blood glucose meters and continuous glucose monitors.
Advise Patients About Routine Ophthalmic Health
Digital eye strain is a common cause of dry, red, and itchy eyes.
Provide Patients With Self- Management Strategies for Insomnia
Pharmacists can help identify potential drug-drug interactions and adverse reactions, and advise patients when to seek further treatment
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene Is the Gateway to General Health and Well-Being
Some individuals are still unaware of the significance of routine oral hygiene and its link to overall health
Ensure Patients Properly Use Topical Antifungal Agents
Pharmacists can also counsel on prevention measures and self-management for fungal infections
Counsel Patients About OTC Iron Supplements for the Management, Prevention of Iron Deficiency
Early signs and symptoms can be vague and are often overlooked
Clearing the Air
Counsel patients about smoking cessation products
Self-Care Measures Can Help Prevent, Treat Acne
With a wide array of OTC products, pharmacists can help patients select the right regimen
Advise Patients on Routine Skin Care to Maintain Protective Barrier
OTC products can help winter-proof skin and prevent dermatological flare-ups
Advise Patients on Self-Management, Prevention of Androgenetic Alopecia and When to Seek Medical Care
Pharmacists should educate patients on proper application of OTC hair loss products and help identify any medications that may be contributing.
Constipation: When Should Patients Self-Treat or Seek Medical Care?
Chronic or recurring episodes can lead to other complications.
Nonprescription Analgesics and Self-management Strategies for Osteoarthritis
Patients can employ numerous measures to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and boost overall health-related quality of life.
Help Patients Choose Appropriate Treatments to Survive Allergy Season
Nonprescription products manage mild to moderate symptoms, but more severe cases need further medical evaluation.
Identify, Address Insomnia Causes to Prevent Health Complications
For chronic cases, encourage patients to seek medical care from their primary health care providers.
Jury Is Still Out on Cardiovascular Benefits of Nonprescription Supplements
American Heart Association maintains stance on preferably obtaining essential nutrients through dietary means.
Pharmacists Play Key Role in Helping Patients Choose Antipyretics
Counseling sessions offer opportunity to educate about appropriate dosing, potential adverse effects.
Help Patients Prevent and Treat Dry Eye
Pharmacists should ascertain whether self-treatment is appropriate and suggest medical care if it isn’t.
Prevent or Reduce Atopic Dermatitis Flare-Ups
Guidelines provide information on the management and treatment of this common skin condition.
Help Patients Prepare for Allergy Season
With climate change potentially affecting pollen counts, new OTC products can relieve symptoms.
Help Patients Navigate Array of Heart Health Supplements
Taking appropriate doses of vitamins and minerals may aid in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Here Comes Cold and Flu Season
Help patients prepare for these winter ailments and choose the appropriate nonprescription medications.
Counsel Patients on OTC Analgesics
Pharmacists Can Provide Advice on Pain Products’ Directions, Dosage, and Duration of Use
Patients May Find Nonprescription Options for GI Symptoms Overwhelming
But pharmacists can offer guidance on self-treatment vs more serious issues requiring evaluation.
Should Patients Avoid Pain Relievers Before the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Pharmacists can review clinical evidence and CDC recommendations before providing information.
UV Protection: Don’t Let Patients Feel the Burn
Many individuals underestimate the importance of protecting their skin from the sun.
Does Vitamin D Offer Protection Against COVID-19?
Results of various studies show potentially promising clinical benefits associated with the use of supplementation in individuals who have the virus.