Pharmacies should ensure appropriate monitoring procedures are in place to prevent contamination and exposure.
Pharmacists play a critical role in treating patients with breast cancer and can help address their social determinant of health challenges.
Advancements in treatment include immune checkpoint inhibitors and BRAF/MEK inhibitors, though resistance remains a challenge, with lifileucel recently approved for previously treated metastatic cases.
Seventeen percent work in hospital settings, including compounding, inpatient, medication reconciliation, and outpatient areas.
Pharmacists ensure responsible antibiotic use, combating resistance through tailored therapies.
There are 3 PARP inhibitors that are FDA approved in multiple settings of ovarian cancer.
Building a network, finding your passion, and taking steps to transition into an industry professional can help lead PharmD graduates to success.
Managing transitions of care is vital to discontinue use of unnecessary drugs and minimize medication errors.
Tapinarof is a first-in-class topical steroid-free aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonist intended to mitigate the symptoms of plaque psoriasis.
When you’re unsure about answering a patient question, err on the side of caution and refer them to a pharmacist.
Migraine is a chronic neurological disease characterized by throbbing or pulsating unilateral or bilateral headache that can last from hours to days.
This review discusses the significance of the FDA-approved drug inotuzumab ozogamicin in pediatric patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and relapsed/refractory (R/R) ALL, and the evolving therapeutic options in R/R ALL.
Implement technology solutions, initiate clinical services, and shift to a proactive mindset, Michele Belcher says.
Panelists discuss how digital health technologies revolutionize women’s health care through telehealth, mobile apps, and remote monitoring, expanding access, personalization, and proactive medical support.
Panelists discuss how key recommendations for optimizing bispecific therapy care focus on establishing robust communication protocols between academic and community centers while ensuring community centers develop comprehensive infrastructure including staff training, emergency protocols, and care coordination pathways.
The pharmacist is the last barrier between a patient and a drug, which is why it's critical for pharmacists to check for allergies, potential drug interactions, patient understanding of how to use the drug, and whether the prescription is appropriate for the diagnosis.
Pharmacy workflow changes in the preparation of chemotherapy products can reduce patient chair time.
Pharmacists play a vital role in patient advocacy and health care collaboration by ensuring safe medication management, facilitating seamless care transitions, providing education, promoting adherence, and fostering compassion to enhance therapeutic outcomes and patient wellness.
Properly implemented CGMP should not be seen as a regulatory burden but a remedy to poorly compounded drugs.
TXNIP inhibition could prevent beta cell loss and protect beta cell function to potentially contribute to diabetes management and its complications.
As practices have gained experience in the post-COVID-19 environment, health care professionals have found innovative ways to work around many of the obstacles the pandemic presents.
Although the committee's vote is non-binding, it does raise questions about optimal evaluation of psychedelics in clinical trials.
But meeting regulatory requirements may entail a great deal of financial expertise and time.
They should consider many factors and use clear guidance on predicting phenotypes from genotypes to intervene optimally based on specific drug-gene interactions.
Pharmacists play a critical role in treating patients with breast cancer and can help address their social determinant of health challenges.
Patient-centric models of medication delivery that provide cost, transparency, convenience, and accessibility solutions are vital for patients to successfully navigate the current health care system.