Yvette C. Terrie, BSPharm, RPh, is a consulting pharmacist and medical writer in Haymarket, Virginia.
Fiber Supplements: Health Benefits & Side Effects
Many individuals may find it difficult to obtain an adequate amount of fiber from food sources alone.
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Gastroparesis: Helping Patients Cope
Pharmacists can be a fundamental educational resource for patients with gastroparesis, which is also called delayed gastric emptying.
Living with an Overactive Bladder
Although overactive bladder can be treated, more than 80% of affected women do not seek treatment.
Managing Menopause: An Individualized Approach
Menopause affects every woman differently, so most clinicians recommend an individualized approach.
Iron Supplements: Treating Iron-Deficiency Anemia
Iron supplementation may be warranted in some patients to build up iron stores.
Vitamin D Supplements: Reaping the Benefits from the Right Amount
Some Patient Populations May Be at Risk for Vitamin D Deficiency
Contact Lens Care: Getting a Clear Picture
Blood Pressure Monitors for Heart Health
Helping patients select an appropriate blood pressure monitor and ensuring that they are comfortable using it are crucial for heart health.
OTC Medication Safety
The Educated Patient: Clearing Up Acne
Conquering Migraines
Glaucoma: Early Screening and Treatment Are Key
A lack of warning signs can delay detection and treatment of glaucoma.
Patients who wear contact lenses must be made aware that improper lens care and maintenance may lead to many serious ophthalmic problems.
Acne Vulgaris: The Most Common Dermatologic Disorder
Pharmacists are in a pivotal position to help patients select OTC products for managing mild to moderate acne.
Managing Asthma: The Pharmacist's Role
Patient education on asthma can reduce related hospitalizations, emergency visits, and deaths.
Homeopathy Focus: Allergic Rhinitis: Homeopathic Treatments May Be the Solution
Many homeopathic allergy medications are marketed to be natural, safe, and effective.
Allergic Rhinitis: Not Just a Seasonal Problem
Allergic rhinitis can negatively impact one's quality of life by impairing concentration and causing fatigue and sleep disturbances.
Contact Dermatitis: Educating Patients
Pharmacists are likely to encounter patients seeking guidance on OTC products to treat contact dermatitis.
Living with ADHD
Although attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a long-term condition, it can be managed with proper treatment.
Living with Lupus
Genetics, the environment, and hormones may play a role in lupus.
Insomnia: Helping Patients Catch Some Zs
Insomnia is one of the most prevalent patient complaints, ranking third after headaches and the common cold.
Migraines: Responding to the Pain
Patients require careful assessment before OTC analgesics for migraines can be recommended.
Homeopathic Medicine: The Role of the Pharmacist
Pharmacists should be prepared to counsel patients on the appropriateness of homeopathic medicine.
Vitamin C Supplements: Understanding Their Role in Optimum Health
Research is tempering the perception of the immune-boosting potential of vitamin C supplements.
Osteoarthritis: The ABCs of Self-Management
Osteoarthritis is considered to be the most common form of arthritis, affecting an estimated 27 million individuals in the United States.
Fungal Skin Infections: Management, Treatment, and Prevention
To help counsel patients, pharmacists can focus on fungal skin infections that are amenable to self-treatment with OTC antifungals.
Nutritional Supplements and Cardiovascular Health
Nutritional supplements should never be used as a replacement for prescription antihyperlipidemic agents.