Pharmacy Careers
Lenora Newsome, PD, president of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, explores how pharmacists can support mental health.
Q: What role do pharmacists play in promoting mental health?
Lenora Newsome: Just being who we are. Being there being at our post, doing our everyday jobs. We’re very observant. We notice what’s going on with our patients, what’s going on with their families, especially the communities that you’re there. You pick up on subtle things that are going on in people’s lives that could be something upsetting to them and just kind of keep an eye on them, and make sure that they’re doing OK, and don’t be afraid to ask. That’s the main thing, just to open your mouth and ask those questions. “How are you doing?” Because we can see all types of events. We see births, we see deaths, we see people who are the caregivers, and sometimes the caregivers are overlooked. So just asking those questions, inquiring to see what we could do to be of assistance.
Mental Health, Stress, Burnout, Pharmacy, Pharmacist | Image Credit: ©Yura Yarema |
Q: How can pharmacists effectively communicate with patients about the importance of mental well-being?
Newsome: Just speak about it is one thing. Also have brochures in your pharmacy, and most pharmacies now have monitors that have different little things that you can put on. So if you have that come across on the monitor, people see that. People see movement. So they will just get little glimpses of things that we’re available here to help you with. So visually, verbally, and then you do counseling—that’s another way you get that one-on-one contact.
Q: How can pharmacists help to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness?
Newsome: Mental illness is something that’s talked about all over the place now. When I thought about it as my presidential initiative, I said, “Well, will this be a good topic? Will this be something that other people will catch on to and latch on to?” And, gosh, I was surprised. I was surprised by how much feedback I got back from people, and there are organizations and different businesses that are including wellness and well-being in their business model. To me, that’s very special, to see that it was something that needs to be talked about. I hate to say the words, it’s the big elephant in the room. It has been there. It’s been there a long time and it got worse with COVID-19. So just picking it up, speaking it, and getting so much positive response from it.
Q: What strategies can be used to create a safe and supportive environment for patients to discuss mental health needs?
Newsome: One thing is privacy. A lot of times people don’t want to talk about their mental health in the open, and the way the pharmacies are built right now, most pharmacists have an immunization room where you can take someone aside and it serves a dual purpose. It is there for the immunizations, but also it gives you a quiet spot where you can go and have private conversations with your patients. They may not necessarily be your patients; it may be your employees. Sometimes you can see an employee getting overstressed, and you just say, “Well, hey, I think it’s time for you to take a break or take a walk around the store just to get out and reset your mind.”
Q: How can pharmacists collaborate with other health care professionals to ensure patients receive the best mental health care?
Newsome: We talk to other health care providers all the time. Sometimes it’s the doctors; most times it’s the nurses or other people who are in health care. So if you’ve noticed something, ask them if they have noticed something or see something different when the patient was in the office for a visit. So there are multiple ways that we can communicate together to get the best outcome for our patients.
Q: Are there any specific ways pharmacists can help patients who are experiencing medication adverse effects related to mental health prescriptions?
Newsome: The first thing is, when someone gets put on a mental health prescription, be up front and tell them the possible side effects. There are multiple [adverse] effects can happen, such as nausea. So with the nausea, I suggest…a dose for, I’ll say, to days. So sometimes it takes a week due to half a dose and the way you dose it. Some mental health medicines will make you feel very alert. Some will make you feel groggy. The ones that will make you feel alert, have them take them in the morning; the ones that make you feel groggy, take them in the evening. There’s also the side effect of excess perspiration. I live in the South, so to us, that’s a big deal. So if you get really hot, you may get drenched. So just be aware of it. Those are things that can happen. I always tell my patients, “OK, you’re starting this medication. These are the possible side effects that you’re going to have and you need to stay on your medication for to months before you start trying to get out.” That’s very important. Some people think that once they start their medication, they think, “Oh, I’m feeling better” and stop it. And then they just get back into the same spot they were. So they have to give the medication time to do what it’s designed to do.
Q: What are some ways that pharmacists can take care of their own mental health, especially considering burnout and stress?
Newsome: My main thing is just to get out. Get out, get away from what you do every day, find something different to do. I have several friends who have different things, what I call their reset buttons. What do you do to de-stress? So it may be things like making maple syrup, but most of these things involve actually getting out into nature, and once you get out into nature, your body will naturally begin to reset itself.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Newsome: Get a break and do something different than pharmacy every day. Another term that I have learned in my research on mental health is optic flow and [I have] explored that when you actually get out among nature, you’re walking through the air, observing the leaves on the trees, stuff like your butterflies, your hummingbirds—just be aware, and it helps you to increase your awareness of what’s going on around you. That’s another good way that you can reset yourself.