Atorvastatin Reduces Incidence of Heart Attacks, Strokes, in Patients with Diabetes
Antidiabetic Drug Improves Glycemic Control, Insulin Sensitivity
NovoSeven Proves Effective in the Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Study Shows ETC Chemotherapy Extends Survival
Still No Proof Exists on Echinacea's Effect on Colds
Diabetes and Periodontal Disease: A 2-Way Link
What Is Wrong with
Drug Interactions with Digoxin: The Role of P-glycoprotein
Weight Loss Can Improve Diabetes
Insomnia: An Overview of Sleep Disorders in the Geriatric Patient
Medication Errors in Hospitals: An Analysis
GPOs and Supply Chain Management
Achieving Adequate Glycemic Control in Diabetes Patients
RxPRODUCT NEWS PROFILE: Vytorin (ezetimibe/simvastatin)
Dietary Supplementation in the Diabetic Patient
Are Statins the Next Aspirin?
"Reverse Copay" Arrangements Gain Ground Among Rx Payers
Employers Are Suspicious of PBM Rx Strategies, NCPA Finds
Customs & FDA Cannot Keep Up With Rx Imports, GAO Warns
E-Prescribing Legislation Wins Praise from Chain Drug Stores
Fake "Canadian Generics" Are Promoted On-Line
Pharmacy Education Program on Nail Fungus Is Available
Wal-Mart Extends Pharmacy Hours
Iowa Pharmacy Examiners Want to Track Pain Prescriptions
Dangerous Drugs Are Prescribed for Older Patients, Study Shows
Medicare Drug Law Is Focus of Symposium
Patient Interviews Reduce Drug Errors
USP Will Develop Guidelines for Medicare Drug Benefit