Pharmacy Times
Pharmacists will have an opportunityto better grasp the Medicare PrescriptionDrug, Improvement, andModernization Act of 2003 during the25th Annual Arnold Schwartz MemorialSymposium. Sponsored by theArnold & Marie Schwartz College ofPharmacy and Health Sciences of LongIsland University, the conference willbe held November 21, 2004, at theLaGuardia Marriott Hotel in EastElmhurst, NY.
The conference will provide pharmacistswith a conceptual understandingof the legislation, together withpractical considerations for implementingthe provisions of the Medicareprescription drug program. Conferenceattendees will receive 6 hoursof continuing education credit. Theregistration fee for the program is$100, which includes breakfast, lunch,and course materials. For more information,call the Department of ContinuingProfessional Education at 718-488-1065.