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Cold/Flu Podcast #5

February 23rd 2010

Covering key finding #5 - Efficacy is the most important consideration for pharmacists providing counsel about OTC cold and flu products; oral zinc-based remedies found most effective in shortening the duration of a cold The final audio podcast is now available at and The survey showed 66 percent of pharmacists who feel treating early is very important are more likely to rate oral zinc-based remedies as effective at quickly shortening a cold’s duration; however, despite the fact that oral zinc-based remedies are seen as more effective to shorten the duration of a cold, 53 percent of pharmacists are most likely to recommend multi-symptom relief products to help patients who come in at the first sign of symptoms get over their cold faster. Dr. Eckel and the roundtable discussed how there are a lot of misperceptions with multi-symptoms products; however, because patients rarely seek treatment at first signs, pharmacists are going to recommend what they need at the stage of their illness. Discussion also included: The importance of efficacy messages relating to patient consultation. The need for product samples as well as interpretable studies that show the safety/efficacy of a product. The need for information regarding correct delivery of oral zinc-based products. We hope you have found this podcast series educational and informative. If you would like more information about the Pharmacist O.T.C. survey, the role of the pharmacist, helping patients treat their colds earlier and oral zinc based products, please visit or

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