Pharmacy Times
It is no secret that pet peeves come with any profession. Pharmacy Times wants toknow what ticks you off. In each issue of our ePharmacy Times newsletter, we will continueour ongoing list of pharmacists' complaints. Perhaps you'll identify with one andnod your head in agreement because you're not alone. Please e-mail your complaintsalong with your name to Eileen Koutnik-Fotopoulos at are some pet peeves pharmacists have submitted:
31. Trying to comprehend the total lack ofunderstanding by prescribers of theimportance of communicating actualprescriptions to the patient's pharmacywhen a patient leaves a long-termcare facility and goes back to an independentor assisted living situation.—Marc Yanow
32. Dealing with insurance companiesthat tell people to ask their pharmacistfor a few days'supply of medicationwhile the insurance companytakes its time issuing ID cards.—Hank Wretzel
33. Dealing with non-English-speakingimmigrants who present a prescriptionfrom the local free clinic bearing ahandwritten note from the prescriberthat reads, "Directions in Spanishonly, please." Needless to say, theSpanish directions are not given, andthe assumption is that all pharmaciesare equipped to and responsible forproviding translation services.—D. Lowery
34. Picking up prescriptions that weredropped off last month.
35. Going to the shelf to get the drugs andfinding that there are only 1 or 2tablets left in the stock bottle.