Pharmacy Times
Wolters Kluwer Health's new IntegratedMedFacts Module (IMM) for the Medi-Span Product line will offer to pharmacistsand other health care professionalsresources necessary to help patientsunderstand their medications. The IMMhas 2 types of monographs: MedFactsMonographs and Medication Guides.
MedFacts Monographs are compliantwith the "Action Plan for the Provision ofUseful Prescription Medicine Information" approved by the US Departmentof Health and Human Services. The FDAapprovedMedication Guides facilitatejust-in-time or on-demand printing ofpatient information that is mandatory fordistribution in dispensing settings.
The IMM provides the medicationinformation that patients need, withcomprehensive coverage of both prescriptionand OTC products. The moduleincludes monographs on >3000 dosageforms, strengths, routes, and specificproducts. The materials are available inEnglish and Spanish, written specificallyfor patients.
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