Pharmacy Times
Wilmington, Del, was one of the firstcities to debut My Medicare Matters, anew comprehensive national eductionprogram to assist Medicare individualsin understanding the new Medicare PartD Drug Benefit. The initiative will helpseniors assess their personal situation,compare plan options, understand theirchoices, and make the enrollment decisionthat is appropriate for their healthand financial situation. My MedicareMatters provides a combination of technologyand mobile education teams forone-on-one help for seniors and otherindividuals with Medicare.
During events sponsored by community-based organizations, seniors willhave the opportunity to talk with benefiteducators about coverage options.The educators will use Internet-basedtools such as BenefitsCheckUpRx fromthe National Councilon the Aging (NCOA) orthe Medicare PlanFinder to review the individual'soptions. The mobile education teamsare available to help seniors completethe on-line enrollment process oradvise them about methods for joininga plan.
The www.mymedicarematters.orgWeb site is available for use byMedicare beneficiaries, by their familymembers and friends, or by professionalsand organization staff members.Individuals will be able to enroll on-lineor request extra help from the SocialSecurity Administration. The program issponsored by NCOA and the Access toBenefits Coalition. AstraZeneca is lendingits support with an initial $10 milliongrant to NCOA.
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