Pharmacy Times
LifeScan Inc is targeting the Hispaniccommunity with its national diabetesawareness campaign. The company,maker of OneTouch Ultra Blood GlucoseMonitoring System, is arming patientswith facts and information about theimportance of diabetes managementand blood glucose monitoring. Momentumfor this campaign stems from theongoing need to provide in-languageinformation to Hispanics. Furthermore, arecent study of 157,000 individuals withtype 2 diabetes found that 66% ofpatients have blood glucose levels thatare out of control.
In addition to conducting health fairsand other community events, the companyworks closely withdiabetes health educatorswho serve theHispanic community.LifeScan also features aSpanish-language Website with in-language resources for individualswanting information, available It has aSpanish-language customer service lineat 800-381-7226.
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