Pharmacy Times
Children with intermittent asthma flare-ups associated with infection may benefit from taking Singulair (montelukast) to reduce theirasthma symptoms. Of the approximately 550 children with intermittent asthma between the ages of 2 and 5 years, 278 participantswere given Singulair for 12 months. The participants were given the standard dose of either 4 mg or 5 mg, depending on their age.The remaining participants were given a placebo.
The results of the study showed that the participants taking Singulair had 31.9% fewer asthma exacerbations and 31.6% fewerasthma episodes. The participants receiving the medication needed to take inhaled corticosteroids 40% less, compared with childrenon placebo. The frequency of oral corticosteroid use was lowered by 17.5% in the oral asthma drug group, compared with the placebogroup.
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