Pharmacy Times
Astudy of 55 individuals 65 years and older withhigh systolic blood pressure found that effectiveblood pressure therapy creates more blood flow tothe brain. The participant groups consisted of 19patients with normal blood pressure, 18 patientswith high blood pressure who were successfullycontrolled with treatment, and 18 patients withuncontrolled systolic pressure >160 mm Hg at thebeginning of the study.
During the 6-month study, the uncontrolledgroup received aggressive treatment with lisinopriland other agents. The other 2 groups wereonly monitored during the study. The researchersfound that, after 6 months, the uncontrolled grouphad dramatic increases in cerebral blood flowvelocity and carotid artery flexibility on Dopplerultrasound imaging. The same result was notobserved in the other 2 groups. None of the participantsdeveloped reduced blood flow to thebrain. (The findings were reported in Hypertension,February 2005.)
MDMA Rejected: The Story of a Study Participant Entrenched in Ethical Violations and a Data Breach