

Pharmacy Times


Association Honors Iowa Physician

Des Moines (Iowa) physician WilliamJagiello, DO, was the recipient of thethird annual Patient Care Award presentedby the Iowa Pharmacy Association(IPA). The award is cosponsored bythe IPA and Eisai Laboratories to honorhealth care providers who better servetheir patients by working cooperativelywith pharmacists in the community.

Dr. Jagiello is a family practice physicianat the Mercy Beaverdale MedicalClinic in Des Moines. He has worked tocreate innovative partnerships betweenphysicians, pharmacists, other healthcare providers, and educational institutions.He also has brought togetherpharmacists and Drake University pharmacystudents to improve the healthcare of his patients and the community.

In his acceptance remarks, Dr. Jagiellodiscussed how relationships are an integralpart of his medical practice, recognizingthe "very real benefits from collaboratingclosely with pharmacists andstudents as part of a health care team."

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