

Pharmacy Times


NCPA Launches On-Line Programs

For the first time, the National CommunityPharmacists Association (NCPA)is making its Diabetes Care Home StudyCertificate Program, Third Edition, andits Cardiovascular Care Home Study CertificateProgram, Third Edition, availableon-line. The programs were developedby the National Institute for PharmacistCare Outcomes (NIPCO). NIPCO is thedisease management division of NCPA.In the past, these programs have beenavailable only through live courses orthe printed home study format. Bothprograms are supported by an unrestrictededucational grant from Pfizer Inc.

The diabetes program describes thecharacteristics of diabetes, variousmethods of treatment, and techniquesto help diabetics manage their disease.This program provides 16 AccreditationCouncil for Pharmacy EducationContinuing Education (ACPE CE) contacthours (1.6 CEUs) of continuingpharmacy education.

The cardiovascular program focuseson how pharmacists can help theirpatients understand and manage cardiovascularconditions such as hypertensionand congestive heart failure.This program provides 17 ACPE CEcontact hours (1.7 CEUs) of continuingpharmacy education.

Pharmacists can apply creditsearned toward attaining the NIPCOPharmacist Care Diplomate credential.The on-line programs cost $50 each forNCPA members and $75 each for nonmembers.For more information,

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