Pharmacy Times
Individuals who snore or have sleep apnea may benefit from wearing a mandibular advancementdevice while sleeping, concluded a study reported recently in Chest. The orthodontic device holdsthe jaw in a forward position and is individually adjusted to each individual's mouth. It works bykeeping the airway from closing and allows individuals to breathe more easily.
To test the effectiveness of the device, the researchers followed 630 individuals who used thedevice. All of the participants were being treated for snoring and sleep apnea. During the 1-yearstudy, the participants noted whether or not the device was working, and the researchers periodicallyobserved sleeping participants for sleep apnea.
The study results indicated that 25% of the individuals who tried the device stopped using itbecause of certain side effects, such as excess salivation and shifting of teeth positions. Also, thedevice may work better in women, because research has suggested that moving the lower jaw forwardopens women's airways more than men's.