Pharmacy Times
Mild and SevereAsthma MayBe 2 Diseases
The authors of a study reportedrecently
in the European RespiratoryJournal have
concluded that severe asthma andmild
asthma may be different conditionswith different
inflammatory processes. The study,
conducted by scientists acrossEurope,
evaluated 321 patients, 158 with mild-to-moderate
asthma and 163 with severe asthma.
The results of the study showed that
both groups had very differentlevels of key
chemicals in their blood. Also,whereas more
men suffered from asthma, women were4
times as likely to suffer fromsevere asthma.
Individuals with mild-to-moderateasthma
were able to control their symptomswith low
doses of inhaled corticosteroids.Very few
with severe asthma, however, wereable to
have their symptoms treated despitebeing
treated with heavier doses of drugs.
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