


Pharmacy Times


Tips for Summer Allergy Relief

Because summer is a peak time for certain types of pollen, mold, and smog, warm weather and high humidity can take their toll on individuals with seasonal allergies and asthma. Here are tips for surviving summer allergies:

  • Stay indoors during peak times?between 5 AM and 10 AM?when outdoor pollen counts are usually the highest.
  • Avoid extreme heat and cold. Going from intense outdoor heat to high air-conditioning can trigger an asthma attack.
  • Keep pollen outdoors. Take a shower, wash hair, and change clothes to remove pollen that may have collected on clothes and hair.
  • Wear a mask, such as a painter?s mask, when mowing the lawn or when around freshly cut grass.
  • Patrol the yard. Weeds such as nettle or ragweed could trigger allergy problems.