Rx Product News
What Role Will Hospitals Play in Health Care's Future?
Our editor-in-chief shares a personal experience to illustrate the growing belief that traditional hospitals will be obsolete in the future.
Osteoarthritis: The ABCs of Self-Management
Osteoarthritis is considered to be the most common form of arthritis, affecting an estimated 27 million individuals in the United States.
Fungal Skin Infections: Management, Treatment, and Prevention
To help counsel patients, pharmacists can focus on fungal skin infections that are amenable to self-treatment with OTC antifungals.
Pharmacists Receive High Marks for Honesty, Ethics in Gallup Poll
Pharmacists remain among the most trusted professionals in the United States, according to a poll released by Gallup.
FDA Plans to Encourage Use of Compounders Registered as "Outsourcing Facilities"