
What Resources are Available for Independent Pharmacies?

In this clip, Jim Springer, Vice President of RxOwnership South Region, and Chris Cella, RpH, National Vice President of RxOwnsherip, from Mckesson Coorporation discuss the resources available to independent pharmacists who may feel as though they are alone in running their pharmacy.


Jim Springer: One of the real needs, we believe, for independent pharmacy, is they feel as though they're an island. They really feel as though they're out there, "I've got all these issues all these problems, I don't want to necessarily have to pay somebody, I don't have the kind of financial resources to be able to pay anybody to be able to come in and help me." But, there is help, there is plenty of resources, plenty of tools. We're one of the shining examples of that. We don't charge fees, we don't have any contracts. Our only requirement is that we want to keep independent's independent. We want to see independent's thrive. So, there are resources like ours out there, and I think that what we need to do is find a way to ensure that we spread that word, that we let these owners know that gee wiz you're not out here by yourselves here. There are folks out there that can help you. Ask around. Maybe the first line of defense for them is to go to your wholesaler representative, okay, someone you feel confident in, someone you feel good about that you see on a fairly regular basis and ask them. I'm sure they may very well know about some of these other resources and tools that are available to you, and if not, how about NCBA, how about your state pharmacy association. You may very well belong to those groups, why not take advantage of the wherewithal that they have.

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