Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Health Systems
Kiles explores the impact of pharmacy research on health equity and education.
Pharmacy Times interviewed Tyler M. Kiles, PharmD, MPH, BC-ADM, clinical assistant professor in the Pharmacy Practice Division at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy, on her journey into pharmacy research.
Tyler M. Kiles, PharmD, MPH, BC-ADM
Pharmacy Times: What brought you to research as a pharmacist, and how has research shaped your work in the field?
Tyler M. Kines, PharmD, BC-ADM: I actually was never interested in research as a pharmacy student, but during my residency program I was really encouraged to develop a research project based on my interests, and I found the process really fun. I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed reading literature about the things I was interested in, asking questions, and writing about the things I was passionate about until that point. This initial exposure really helped me see research as a potential part of my future career.
Research has also really shaped my work as an educator as there hasn’t been much literature published about my areas of expertise, such as incorporating social determinants of health in pharmacy education and practice. It has been exciting to be at the forefront of advancement in this area, in the classroom as well as in pharmacy practice.
Pharmacy Times: Traditionally, what is your role within the research team, and how often are you involved in pharmacist-led research?
Kiles: I have had several roles in the research team, from initiating the project idea to collaborating with others to mentoring residents to develop their research ideas and projects. I primarily work with other pharmacists in my research, though I have collaborated with other PhD researchers with a specialization in qualitative or educational research.
Pharmacy Times: When getting involved with a research team, are you most frequently connected through your institution, or have associations or other groups provided opportunities for research collaboration?
Kiles: My first collaborators were other individuals within my institution; however, as my research portfolio has grown, I have found the majority of my research collaborators through informal peer networks or professional organization opportunities. It has been exciting to find like-minded individuals with different areas of expertise. It has also been a joy to take the research mentorship I’ve received and pass it along to other junior faculty colleagues who are inspired to do work in similar areas.
Pharmacy Times: What are some of your greatest accomplishments as a pharmacy researcher?
Kiles: One of my greatest accomplishments as a researcher has been being invited to speak to the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners, a collaboration of the leaders of 13 national pharmacy associations, about the importance of incorporating SDOH in pharmacy education and practice. This opportunity was relatively early in my career, but it really made me feel like my research was meaningful and encouraged me to keep exploring this area. I have also been invited to present on numerous occasions about my research related to structural changes needed to diversify clinical pharmacy and pharmacy academia through the pharmacy residency pathway. These humbling opportunities make me feel like my perspective and experiences are valued within the academy. It’s one thing to publish papers and hope that someone reads them, and it’s another to share with people and have them imagine how they could apply your work to their sphere.
Pharmacy Times: What is a recent publication showcasing your research that you are proud of?
Kiles: A recent publication that I am proud of is “‘Following Your Dreams, and Not Killing Yourself to Do So’: Black PharmD Student Perceptions of Pharmacy Residency,” which was published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.1 This qualitative project provided tangible recommendations for the pharmacy academy to support minoritized students with the goal of addressing health disparities through a diverse clinical pharmacy workforce and subsequently enhanced provision of clinical pharmacy services for minoritized patients. This paper ties together my interest in advancing health equity through pharmacy education.