Top news of the day from across the healthcare landscape.
In a meeting with US governors yesterday, President Donald Trump admitted that healthcare laws were incredibly complex, which indicates why the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been delayed. Trump also told the governors that the struggle to replace the ACA could also delay other aspects of his agenda, according to The New York Times. However, the governors voiced concerns about maintaining coverage for those already benefiting from Medicaid expansion and potentially extending coverage even further.
Conservative GOP lawmakers may stop a leaked proposal for an ACA replacement plan before it is formally introduced, Politico reported. The proposed plan would undo a majority of Medicaid expansion and remove subsidies in favor of tax credits. In a statement from 3 senators, the congressmen said that the proposed bill would not pass the Senate.
While many large insurers have exited ACA marketplaces due to significant losses, a small insurer consistently turned a profit. When founded, Molina Healthcare focused on serving Medicaid patients who were low income, many of whom had trouble paying for services. The insurer said their success in ACA marketplaces stems from understanding the demographics of the population they cover, who are largely lower-income individuals, according to NPR.