In querying pharmacists about what is required to be successful, many so-called “soft skills” in the social and administrative sciences rise to the top, but more evidence is needed.
In querying pharmacists about what is required to be successful, many so-called “soft skills” in the social and administrative sciences rise to the top. But more evidence is needed. In research by Jill Augustine, PharmD, PhD, MPH, and colleagues, a group of preceptors commented specifically on the business skills that might be most advantageous for junior practitioners in the years to come.
The investigators conducted focus groups with pharmacy preceptors to discuss these desired business-related skills.1 The type of information obtained from focus groups can differ from that of surveys. Survey information might be acquired from hundreds or even thousands of respondents and, depending on a number of factors, might be generalizable to entire populations. Focus groups, on the other hand, usually consist of a small number of participants from a geographically small or constrained area; however, very rich, detailed, and nuanced data can be derived from their use.
Nationwide surveys and, now, focus group interviews of preceptors point to the need for management skills for effective pharmacy practice in today’s health care environment. Pharmacists demonstrating these skills will do well for their patients and also well for themselves, career-wise.
Additional information about The “Management” in Medication Therapy Management and Management Functions can be found in Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings, 5e.
About the Author
Shane P. Desselle, RPh, PhD, FAPhA, is a professor of social and behavioral pharmacy at the Touro University California College of Pharmacy.
1. Augustine J, Slack M, Cooley J, et al. Identification of key business and management skills needed for pharmacy graduates. Am J Pharm Educ. 2018;82: Article 6364.
2. Desselle SP, Hoh R, Holmes ER, Gill A, Zamora L. Pharmacy technician self-efficacies: Insight to aid future education, staff development, and workforce planning. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2018;14(6):581-588.
3. Desselle S. Pharmacists’ perceptions of a set of pharmaceutical care practice standards. J Am Pharm Assoc (1996). 1997;37(5):529-534.
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