

Survey Shows Gaps in Consumer Awareness of Pharmacist Services

Key Takeaways

  • Many consumers are unaware of pharmacists' full range of services, limiting their utilization beyond traditional roles like medication dispensing and over-the-counter guidance.
  • Generational differences exist in pharmacist interactions, with younger generations engaging more and older generations focusing on medication dispensing.

Rite Aid survey highlights underutilized role of pharmacists in health care, with 62% of respondents viewing their pharmacists as a crucial part of their health and wellness care team.

Rite Aid announced results from a randomized double-opt-in survey, revealing gaps in consumer awareness and utilization of pharmacist expertise. The study aimed to assess ways in which consumers connect with pharmacists and identify how they can further support the overall health of patients.1

Image credit: Jacob Lund |

Helpful pharmacist dealing with a customer - Image credit: Jacob Lund |

“Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact personalized pharmacist-consumer relationships can have on health outcomes. Pharmacists can speak to and advise on many aspects of an individual’s health, from medication management, testing for flu and strep, and travel health consultations, to prescribing certain medications in select states. Despite their accessibility in the community, we’re seeing a gap in how consumers are utilizing their pharmacy or pharmacist to their full capabilities.” Karen Staniforth, chief pharmacy officer at Rite Aid, said in a news release.1

Published in “More Than Meds: The Multifaceted Role of Modern Pharmacists” a campaign led by Rite Aid, the authors noted that pharmacists are recognized as an integral and collaborative role in the community, while serving as dependable health care advisers.2

Pharmacists are typically one of the most accessible providers as the last health care professional a patient sees after receiving care from a facility. Additionally, pharmacists take on a vital role in patient advocacy by ensuring safe medication management, facilitating seamless care transitions, educating and promoting adherence, and providing compassion to further enhance therapeutics outcomes and wellness.3

“As industry research shows, many consumers visit their pharmacist far more frequently than their healthcare provider as patient appointments can take weeks to secure,” Staniforth said in a news release.1

Among the 2000 surveyed individuals that were appointed by Rite Aid between December 9, 2024, and December 10, 2024, 62% of respondents view their pharmacists as a crucial part of their health and wellness care team. However, many respondents reported to be unaware of the full range of services that pharmacists can offer to support a patient’s health. Most individuals were more accustomed with traditional pharmacy services as 72% reported to be familiar with dispensing medication, 64% for over-the-counter product guidance, 53% for health and wellness advice, and 53% for immunizations. Further results displayed that 61% of respondents reported that they visit pharmacies specifically for the purpose of attaining a medication prescribed by a doctor.1,2

A limited number of surveyed individuals were aware of the nontraditional pharmacy services that are offered, including prescribing certain medications in select states (30%), medication therapy management (27%), point-of-care testing in select states (23%), and smoking cessation programs (24%).1,2

Additionally, the survey revealed that a total of 55% of respondents believe that pharmacists can assist and provide support for minor health care and wellness concerns—demonstrating a skill that is often overlooked. The results demonstrated that only 29% of respondents were aware that pharmacists can offer aid on sexual health and only 26% for support on women’s health. This includes assistance around birth control recommendations, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine administration, feminine hygiene product recommendations, and counseling for women on menopause symptoms management.1,2

The survey also suggest that different age groups interact with pharmacists differently, demonstrating the generational divides in the perception of the pharmacists’ functions and services. The younger generation reported to spend more than 5 minutes engaging with pharmacists, with 55% of Gen Z and 50% for Millennials compared with 35% of Gen X and 27% of Baby Boomers. The older generations also view medication dispensing as the primary service of pharmacists, with 73% of Baby Boomers and 67% of Gen X compared with 52% of Millennials and 43% of Gen Z.1,2

However, the older generation of respondents appeared more likely to take multiple medications but are less likely to discuss their medications with their pharmacists compared with other generations. Of the 68% of individuals that reported to take one medication and/or supplement, only 46% reported to discuss potential interactions or adverse events with their pharmacists. This could be due to a lack of personal relationship with pharmacists, as three-quarters of respondents reported to not have a respective connection with their pharmacist.1,2

“The results show that the role of pharmacists is underutilized and also widely unknown,” Staniforth said in a news release.1

1. New Survey from Rite Aid Reveals Gaps in Consumer Awareness and Utilization of Pharmacist Expertise. News release. Business Wire. January 9, 2025. Accessed January 14, 2025.
2. More Than Meds: The Multifaceted Role of Modern Pharmacists. Rite Aid. Accessed January 14, 2025. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
3. Kipper L. Pharmacists as Patient Advocates: Ensuring Optimal Therapeutic Outcomes. Pharmacy Times. News release. January 6, 2025. Accessed January 14, 2025.
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