

Student Pharmacists Kick Off American Pharmacists Month with Health Fair

The Pacific American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) kicked off American Pharmacists Month with a health fair at Midtown Farmers Market in Sacramento.


The Pacific American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) kicked off American Pharmacists Month with a health fair at Midtown Farmers Market in Sacramento. Student pharmacists from University of the Pacific's Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences collaborated with students from California Northstate University College of Pharmacy to host the event which served over 120 patients and provided over 90 influenza vaccinations. Overall, the health fair reached approximately 500 people in the community.

In addition to providing screenings and vaccinations, the students promoted the profession of pharmacy by initiating the new patient testimonial program which surveyed patients' perspectives on whether or not pharmacists served as a integral players on the health care team. The survey produced many positive results. One patient stated, "The only time I ever interact (with a pharmacist) is when I pick up my meds. Now that I've been able to talk to some, they are very educated, lovely, helpful people." The students hope to continue this program to further promote the profession and use the information to improve their services.

Event coordinator and current Vice President of Legislative Affairs, April Nguyen '16, encouraged other students to implement projects they are passionate about, stating "I am excited to pursue my passion for pharmacy with our first APhA-ASP health fair in collaboration with two schools of pharmacy! I am proud to be a part of this profession, where every pharmacist can make a difference in the community with our dedication to improving patient care." Overall, it was a very successful and educational health fair, and the students are excited to channel this momentum to host future events. Pacific APhA-ASP also held the Legislative Week at Pacific which included speaker events and immunizing the mayor and legislative members.