

Rite Aid Marketing Campaign Focuses on Workplaces to Stop the Flu

Rite Aid's new marketing campaign to stop the flu goes right to the heart of where most people actually get sick: at work.


Camp Hill, Pa. (September 24, 2015) - Rite Aid's new marketing campaign to stop the flu goes right to the heart of where most people actually get sick - at work. The campaign, created by Rite Aid's long-time agency MARC USA, is built around the insight that it's important to protect yourself from the flu because others around you don't and that Rite Aid gives you more tools to protect yourself with flu shots in store and at the workplace.

In 15 and 30 second TV spots now airing, we watch as a sneezing, wheezing colleague blows out his birthday candles at an office celebration. Co-workers cringe as he tries to pass out pieces of cake. Even the lady in the "I love cake" t-shirt runs in fear as a super reminds us that 63% of co-workers don't get a flu shot (according to a 2014 CDC study*).

The message is echoed in radio, print, digital and in-store assets with calls to action like: "Get your flu shot - 65% say they would fly with the flu" and "Get your flu shot - 33% don't wash their hands after sneezing." Worse yet, at least one in four will come to work sick. So, the only way to be protected is to get a flu shot.

It's a message that resonates strongly with those in the workplace charged with protecting employee health and wellness as well as productivity. Rite Aid SVP of Marketing John Learish reports that the number of the flu shots Rite Aid administered last year at onsite workplace clinics grew significantly. "We believe there's great opportunity to continue to grow this service, and we're making it easier than ever for employee benefits managers and HR staff to set up clinics and get the word out to their employees."

Rite Aid hopes its increased marketing efforts on behalf of onsite workplace immunization clinics have a lasting effect. Learish continues, "Our goal is for the relationship between the patient and Rite Aid immunizing pharmacist begun at the workplace flu clinic to be carried through to the store for additional immunizations and other pharmacy needs. It's a great way to help make Rite Aid their retail health care destination."

The B2B program includes multi-channel outreach to employee benefits managers. The human touch is added though personal contact by Rite Aid pharmacists and Wellness Ambassadors to neighboring workplaces.

The consumer message is designed to reach busy working moms and active baby boomers with a media strategy including a mix of morning news, network and national cable, local spot, radio, in-store and digital including an extensive email program.

Bryan Hadlock, MARC USA Chief Creative Officer, explains the overall campaign concept. "We focused on the fact that you are really taking charge of your own wellness by protecting yourself from all the other people who don't get flu shots. We used the office environment because it would resonate with so many people quickly and was equally compelling to both consumers and workplace decision makers."