The report allows management to provide guaranteed assessments throughout the screenings that could aid early detection, diagnosis, and lung cancer treatment.
Researchers from the Early Detection and Screening Committee of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) have created and published a report of best practices and conduction methods to aid program managers when directing a low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening.
Image credit: Steph photographies |
“This report identifies the key components of the regimen of LDCT screening for lung cancer, which include the need for a management system to provide data for continuous updating of the regimen and provides quality assurance assessment of actual screenings,” said Claudia Henschke, MD, PhD, Professor of Diagnostic, Molecular, and Interventional Radiology and Director of the Early Lung and Cardiac Action Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, in a press release.
Researchers reported that annual LDCT examinations have resulted in more than 80% cure rates among individuals diagnosed with lung cancer. Despite this, there was a need to provide program managers a guide to follow.
“Multi-disciplinary clinical management is needed to maximize the benefit of early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer,” said Henschke in the press release.
The study authors noted that the report highlighted recommendations to follow in screenings, including “selection of eligibility criteria, counseling of screenees, smoking cessation, and selection of the regimen of screening which specifies the imaging protocol and workup of LDCT findings.”
The report identified individuals that should be eligible for a LDCT screening, emphasizing the importance of individuals that are at risk of lung cancer. However, the researchers noted that the screenings could also provide early detection of diseases that could lead to mortality, like cardiovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The most crucial recommendation identified was the importance of timing between the screenings. The LDCT screenings can detect small, early lung cancers at periods in which they can be cured, according to study authors. Other screenings that have longer intervals, compared to annual screenings, are more likely to find larger tumors in states where they are not easily curable.
The study authors noted that the report allowed program managers to provide guaranteed assessments throughout the screenings that could aid early detection, diagnosis, and lung cancer treatment.
However, the report's recommendations could vary globally as resources and treatment needs could be different for countries that have limited access.
“Sharing of results, further knowledge, and incorporation of technologic advances will continue to accelerate worldwide improvements in the diagnostic and treatment approaches” Henschke said in the press release.
Perspective on management of LDCT findings on low-dose computed tomography examinations for lung cancer screening. EurekAlert!. News release. December 20, 2023. Accessed January 5, 2024.