
Pharmacy Performance Measure Development is Crucial for a Solid Foundation

PQA is focused on actually testing the feasibility and implementation of some of these measures as concepts.

Pharmacy Times spoke with Micah Cost, PQA Chief Executive Officer, about why it is important for PQA to develop these pharmacy performance measures.

Cost: PQA is a very unique organization, we have almost 250 member organizations, we were built on a solid foundation of a public private partnership with CMS. But we've rapidly grown to a consensus based transparent organization. And we really rely on our members to help us out with the measure development process. They're involved from conceptualization, all the way through stewardship, and they test our measures out. They put them into programs and right now we're running some pilots and with those pilots, we're actually testing the feasibility and implementation of some of these measures as concepts and it's really important that we have meaningful measures that impact care in a positive way, and are also fair and accountable.

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