Pharmacy Focus : Episode 84

Pharmacy Focus: What to Know About Medication and Summer Travel


Jeffrey Goad discusses key considerations for travelers regarding medications, maintaining medication schedules across time zones, ensuring proper vaccinations, and the importance of consulting health care professionals before international trips.

About The Guest

Jeffrey Goad, PharmD, MPH, is a professor and associate dean of Academic Affairs at Chapman University School of Pharmacy, chair of APhA Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Training certificate program, and president of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

Jeffrey Goad, PharmD, MPH, professor and associate dean of Academic Affairs at Chapman University School of Pharmacy, shares crucial advice for summer travelers and what to know about their medication. He emphasizes the importance of proper medication management, including packing enough for the trip plus extra, keeping medications in carry-on luggage, and being aware of country-specific restrictions. Goad discusses strategies for maintaining medication schedules across time zones and managing pre-existing health conditions while abroad. He stresses the significance of getting necessary vaccinations, recommending travelers consult resources like the CDC travel health site and start the process 4 to 6 weeks before departure.

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