
Pharmacy Focus: Public Health Matters - Motivational Interviewing

Bruce Berger, PhD, president of Berger Consulting LLC, discusses how pharmacists should best use motivational interviewing for patients.

On this month's episode, Dr. Christina Madison speaks with Bruce Berger, PhD, president of Berger Consulting LLC, on how pharmacists should best use motivational interviewing for patients.

Bruce is President of Berger Consulting, LLC and Emeritus Professor at Auburn University. He has developed comMIt (Comprehensive Motivational Interviewing Training for health care providers) and AU MITI (Auburn University Motivational Interviewing Training Institute) and AU MITI (Auburn University Motivational Training Institute.) He has taught motivational interviewing in health care and methods for improving treatment adherence for over 30 years.

He received his BS in Pharmacy from The Ohio State University. After practicing pharmacy for two years he returned to Ohio State and received his Masters and Ph.D. in social and behavioral pharmacy. He taught at Ohio State before moving to West Virginia University in January, 1980. After two years at WVU, Bruce moved to Auburn University and taught there until his retirement from the university in September of 2009.

He has been a consultant and trainer for the US Air Force, VA, US Army, Pfizer, Inc., Procter & Gamble, Abbvie, Novartis, Astra-Zeneca, Sanofi-Aventis, GSK, and over 50 health plans, including Humana, Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts Health, ConnectiCare, Medical Mutual of Ohio and numerous BlueCross BlueShield plans.

Bruce’s Website: mihcp.com

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-berger-phd-b557a2b/

Purdue University - Bruce’s MI Elearning website: https://tinyurl.com/PurdueCE-MI-HCP

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