WASHINGTON, DC — More than 75 pharmacists and student pharmacists from the Washington, DC-metro area performed free health screenings on Capitol Hill, yesterday. The screenings, including bone density, body composition, glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure and medication consultations or “Ask the Pharmacist,” were given to more than 200 members of Congress, staff, aides and the general public, in the Rayburn Foyer, House of Representatives. The screenings were provided to demonstrate the value of pharmacist-provided patient care services; health screenings and medication services that pharmacists are already providing in their pharmacies everyday across the country.
“Pharmacist-provided patient care is an important service for many people throughout the country,” stated APhA Executive Vice President and CEO, Thomas E. Menighan, BSPharm, MBA, ScD (Hon), FAPhA. “Pharmacists are the most accessible health care provider, with pharmacy locations in almost every community in America. Pharmacists demonstrated knowledge and training, combined with this accessibility, makes them a valuable member of a patient’s health care team. APhA thanks all of the pharmacists and student pharmacists who participated in yesterday’s health fair and demonstrated the services they provide every day and their value as health care providers.”
The Hill health fair was hosted by the Congressional Community Pharmacy Caucus, the American Pharmacists Association, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores and the National Community Pharmacists Association. Several Washington DC-area pharmacies and schools of pharmacy provided invaluable time and support to showcase the services pharmacists are providing in their communities.
“Our community pharmacists play a critical role in our health care system,” said Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), co-chair of the Congressional Community Pharmacy Caucus. “For many in rural towns and cities in Georgia and across the country, community pharmacies not only provide lifesaving prescriptions, but they also provide a number of important preventative health services for their patients. Thanks to the participating pharmacists and pharmacy students for providing these critical services and free health screenings on the hill today.”
“Community pharmacies play a critical role in keeping Americans healthy,” commented Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT), co-chair of the Congressional Community Pharmacy Caucus. “By providing life-saving medicine, medical supplies and in-person counseling, these small businesses help maintain the viability of rural and small-town life. This health fair was a great way to demonstrate the invaluable services they provide every day in rural America.”
The Hill health fair was a visual lobbying effort for the ongoing provider status campaign, as well as a serving to meet the goal of the American Pharmacists Month “Know” campaign — Know Your Pharmacist, Know Your Medicine. The event was realized in partnership with: