
Mutated CARD14 Gene Could Lead to Increased Inflammation in Psoriasis

An interaction between CARD14 and MALT1 creates increased immune response and inflammation in patients with psoriasis.

A recent study revealed that mutations in in the CARD14 gene can potentially lead to increased inflammation in patients with psoriasis.

Psoriasis involves the activation of the immune system, which causes inflammation and proliferation of skin cells. Mutations in the CARD14 gene activate another protein (NF-?B) that controls the expression of several factors that impact inflammation and psoriasis, according to the study published by EMBO Reports.

Researchers studied the molecular signaling mechanism that leads to inflammation in psoriasis patients with mutations in CARD14. Keratinocytes were focused on due to their abnormal growth and ability to create a large amount of inflammation promoting factors.

The researchers found that CARD14 interacts with the protein MALT1, which is activated to cleave and inactivate cellular proteins that keep the immune system working properly.

In psoriasis-associated mutations in CARD14, a hyperactive CARD14/MALT1 is created and leads to abnormally high immune responses and inflammation.

"We found that pharmacological treatment of human skin cells with drugs that inhibit the activity of MALT1 reduced the production of inflammation promoting proteins caused by mutant variants of CARD14. We hope to find an industrial partner to take these promising results a step further in the search for a psoriasis cure,” researcher Rudi Beyaert, PhD, concluded.

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