

Medi-Dose/EPS Announces New Packaging Option for Steri-Dropper Bottles for Sterile Ophthalmic Dispensing

Ophthalmic compounding and dispensing can be an expensive and highly technical task.

Ivyland, PA, Summer 2018 — Ophthalmic compounding and dispensing can be an expensive and highly technical task. Sterility and medication integrity must be vigilantly maintained. To help practitioners control costs when preparing sterile solutions in adherence with USP <797> and other current guidelines even when they are packaging larger runs, EPS has released a new 10-pack configuration for all 4 sizes of its Steri-Dropper® sterile ophthalmic dispensing containers.

This new 10-pack features an ergonomically designed tray with each of the components (bottles, tips and caps) separated for convenience. All four sizes of Steri-Dropper bottle, in both the original 2-pack or new 10-pack design, are manufactured from a special zinc stearate-free resin minimizing the risk of particulate forming in solutions with certain ophthalmic preparations.

“Sterile compounding and dispensing have become ever more important in daily pharmacy and nursing practice. Strict attention to guidelines like USP <797> are essential," notes Bob Braverman, President of Medi-Dose/EPS. “Whether pharmacists prepare just a few doses of an ophthalmic med, or are engaged in larger scale production, our Steri-Dropper bottles help health care practitioners efficiently and economically comply with these guidelines."

For more information on the original 2-pack and the new 10-pack Steri-Dropper bottles, contact Robert Braverman or visit www.medidose.com.