Do you know the first pharmacy school established in North America?
What was the first pharmacy school established in North America?
Answer: The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy!
Originally called the University of the Sciences, the school was founded in 1821 when 68 Philadelphia apothecaries wanted to improve scientific standards and train better apprentices and students. The next year, they incorporated the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and professional education in the field began. In 1921, the name was changed to the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. The school also gained state authorization to grant master’s and doctoral degrees in addition to the baccalaureate degrees.
The school gained university status in 1997, and in 1998 it became officially known as University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.
A History of University of the Sciences. Accessed Jan 23, 2020.
This fun fact was submitted by Jennifer Gershman, PharmD, CPh.
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