Opioid Use Disorder Drug Approval Highlights AJPB Week in Review


Top articles of the week from The American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits.

5. Study: Connected Pharmacy, Medical Benefits Improves Patient Proactivity in Healthcare

Integrated pharmacy and medical benefits may increase patient engagement in health coaching. Read more.

4. Diabetes Cure in Reach with Low-Calorie Diet

Reducing calorie intake may reverse type 2 diabetes. Read more.

3. Majority of Uninsured Patients Experienced Catastrophic Costs for Heart Attack Pre-ACA

Eighty-five percent of patients treated for heart attacks exceeded catastrophic costs before the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Read more.

2. FDA Warning: Vitamin B May Lead to Incorrect Lab Tests

Biotin interference in lab tests has resulted in at least 1 patient death. Read more.

1. Novel Opioid Use Disorder Drug Gains FDA Approval

The FDA approves the first monthly injectable buprenorphine for opioid use disoder. Read more.

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