The process of becoming certified in itself instills a greater sense of belonging in pharmacy among technicians.
Research on pharmacy technicians’ roles and work environments has increased exponentially in recent years. Foundational questions are being raised.
For one, “If pharmacists are to take on new responsibilities in alternative models of care, then who is going to pick up some of the responsibilities previously borne by pharmacists, primarily in dispensing and administrative functions?”1
Given the answer to that question is the pharmacy technician, other fundamental questions have to be answered:
Thankfully, studies have begun address these and other questions during the past 10-15 years.2 In the United States, the value of certification has been explored. Certification by a national vendor has been deemed to be a favorable asset.3
Specifically, it has been suggested that the process of becoming certified in itself instills a greater sense of belonging in pharmacy. It also provides fundamental knowledge necessary for someone to begin a professional journey.
One study demonstrated greater career commitment among technicians who were certified.4 Although certification is said to help prepare technicians for a lifelong career, it has been suggested that certification should better emphasize so-called “soft skills” in communication and related competencies.5
Pharmacists have also opined that certification can become better integrated with other types of education and training.3 This is difficult in light of the tremendous variability in quality and curriculums in pharmacy technician vocational programs.6
Employers have a momentous role to play in preparing, stabilizing, and developing the technician workforce. No matter the salience and congruence of vocational education and certification, on-the-job training will always have an important role in technician competence, as will the organizational culture of these companies, who must connote a sense of value and worth to technician employees.7
One mechanism to accomplish this is through career laddering. Any employee, regardless of current position, aspires to be better, to move up in position and roles, and achieve self-actualization. Employers have begun implementing ladders, or at least paying greater attention to other mechanisms of technician retention, but they still have a way to go.8
Salary is important for 2 reasons, the most obvious of which is the ability to pay bills and “put food on the table.” Additionally, an employee perceives their value to the employer inaccordance with the salary they are paid.
Recent research indicates that pharmacy technicians are not paid as well as their counterparts across similar occupations in other health fields.9 Their pay is not higher in states with higher regulatory burdens of entry and practice.10
Additionally, their pay has not moved in a manner consistent with inflationary pressures, particularly in the community sector, in which good technicians are often lost to health-systems and to other occupations entirely.4,11 This is in spite of evidence that a difference in only $0.75 an hour can differentiate technicians who will stay as a result of their current pay, are ambivalent about their pay, or plan to leave an organization expressly due to low pay.12
The work that technicians engage in itself may be a major factor in retaining and attracting talented pharmacy technicians. A recent study on pharmacy technicians involved in technician product verification (TPV) uncovered the positive impact of such advanced duties on career commitment and quality of work life.13
Similarly, when engaged in patient service support roles, technicians indicate increased satisfaction in their work.14.15 This phenomenon is also represented practically in the form of a common fear among community pharmacists, whereby their most talented technicians will leave for more engaging work in a nearby hospital or health-system.
Pharmacy technicians are on the proverbial front lines of care. They are often a patient’s first contact in the health care system. Their roles are being expanded in pharmacy’s emerging services, such as assistance with point-of-care testing.16
We know more now than we did a few years ago about technicians’ education, work environments, and competence. Although additional research will help shed even more light on the role of technicians in delivering pharmacy care, it is time that various stakeholders in the process pay heed to what we do know, come together, and make things happen for these invaluable members of the pharmacy team.17
About the AuthorsShane P. Desselle, RPh, PhD, FAPhA, is Professor of Social and Behavioral Pharmacy at Touro University California College of Pharmacy and Editor-in-Chief of Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy.Kenneth C. Hohmeier, PharmD, is Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director of Community Affairs at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center College of Pharmacy.
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