McKesson's Central Fill as a Service program can expand revenue opportunities for pharmacists—Joe Tammaro explains how.
McKesson's Central Fill as a Service program can expand revenue opportunities for pharmacists—Joe Tammaro, RPh, VP of Sales and Support for McKesson, explains how. This video was filmed at the McKesson ideaShare 2019 conference in Orlando.
Joe Tammaro, RPh: The benefits of central fill are very pervasive. Number one, it increases the capacity of the pharmacy. It takes a tremendous amount of work and time away from doing that activity and gives it back to the pharmacy team for them to do a variety of revenue-enhancing opportunities, like more immunizations, MTM, spending more time with customers, getting involved more with the front end of the store, and basically making better use of their time so they can make more money and bring more profit into the pharmacy. And then lastly, in our Central Fill as a Service model, there’s a different inventory carrying component to it, where we bill a customer for that inventory at point-of-dispense, versus them having to carry it on its shelf. So therefore it frees up all that capital for that inventory sitting on their shelf, that now they don’t have to pay for until we provide that prescription.
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