OTC/Lifestyle Pearl of the Day: Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Indication: Benadryl is used to treat the symptoms of allergic reactions, insomnia, and motion sickness.
- Dosing: 25 mg, 1 to 2 tablets to be taken every 4 to 6 hours as directed.
- Not to be used under 6 years of age.
- Dosage form: Benadryl comes in liquid form, tablets, capsules, and chewable forms.
- Benadryl comes in regular strength and extra strength dosing.
- Benadryl also comes in combination format for use of allergy, sinus, and pain.
- If needed, Benadryl also comes in itch stick form, as well as spray form, for triple action itch relief—as well as cream.
- Besides allergy, Benadryl can be used for sunburn, scrapes, skin irritations, and insect bites.
- Adverse effects: May include painful urination, drowsiness, dizziness, upset stomach, loss of coordination, dry mouth, constipation, dry eyes, and lightheadedness.