Daily Medication Pearl: Vortioxetine (Trintellix)


Vortioxetine (Trintellix) treats major depressive disorder in adults.

Medication Pearl of the Day: Vortioxetine (Trintellix)

Indication: Trintellix is indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults.


  • Dosing: The recommended starting dose is 10 mg administered orally once daily without regard to meals
  • Dosage forms: Tablets 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg.
  • Adverse events: Most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5% and at least twice the rate of placebo) were nausea, constipation, and vomiting.
  • Mechanism of action: The mechanism of the antidepressant effect of vortioxetine is not fully understood, but is thought to be related to its enhancement of serotonergic activity in the CNS through inhibition of the reuptake of serotonin.
  • Manufacturer: Takeda Pharma


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