Bio-Pharmaceutical Supply System Continues Coordination to Help Get Medicine to Patients Impacted by Hurricane Sandy



November 5, 2012

Consumers Urged to Visit for Status Reports on Open Pharmacies

Washington, D.C. — Rx Response, an initiative of America’s bio-pharmaceutical supply system to help ensure the continued flow of medicine to patients in a severe public health emergency, has continued its close coordination with federal, state and local government agencies to address impacts from Hurricane Sandy on the bio-pharmaceutical supply system.

Rx Response officials remain in daily contact with senior officials at the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA and the Department of Health and Human Services, providing updates on Hurricane Sandy’s impact on the medicine supply chain.

A key focal point in the discussions between Rx Response and government agencies has been addressing challenges in getting fuel to delivery trucks re-supplying hospitals and pharmacies and helping to secure fuel for pharmacies and other health care facilities operating on generator power. Efforts are currently underway to help ensure access to fuel for both delivery fleets and health care facilities powered by generators. Rx Response is also working with local law enforcement to help delivery vehicles gain access to areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

“We look forward to continuing our close coordination with Rx Response and government agencies to help ensure that our member companies can continue critical deliveries of medicine to hospitals and pharmacies,” said Perry Fri, Senior Vice President of Industry Relations, Membership & Education for the Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA), a member of Rx Response and the trade association representing primary healthcare distributors.

In addition, Rx Response also continues to update its Pharmacy Status Reporting Tool (PSRT), an online program that allows emergency managers and the public to readily locate open pharmacies in communities that have been impacted by severe weather or other events ( Many government agencies have also included links to the PSRT on their websites and in other communications.

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), which is also an Rx Response member, represents retail chain pharmacies. The status of these pharmacies is updated daily by the PSRT. “NACDS and its members appreciate the continued efforts by Rx Response to put patients first during this challenging time. In activating the Pharmacy Status Reporting Tool, Rx Response provided an incredibly important mechanism to help patients get the medicines they need from community pharmacies in the affected storm areas,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE.

Rx Response was developed in response to Hurricane Katrina and the threat of pandemic influenza. In addition to HDMA and NACDS, its members include:

American Hospital Association (AHA),

American Red Cross,

Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO),

Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPHA),

National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) and

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

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