
4 Ways Pharmacists Can Guarantee Success

By February 15, 80% of New Year's resolutions will have been abandoned. Here are 4 proven ways to bypass the BS.

New Year’s resolutions: new year, new you! This is an excellent time to recommit to a goal we may have missed last year, or set up a goal so big that if we achieved it, it would blow our minds.

Unfortunately, regardless of whether the goal is related to health, relationships, business or personal development, statistics show that by February 15, 80% of New Year’s resolutions will have already been quit on. How do you avoid this to ensure success? Lasting change? A commitment to a goal that will propel you to the very best version of yourself? Stick to these 4 simple solutions that will become your Rx4Success:

1. Set your target

This is so simple, but so many people skip over just how important it is. Specifically, what is it that you want to achieve? What is your goal—the thing you are looking to change, gain, or grow into? Writing this out consistently on a daily basis will enable you to recommit to your goals over and over, keeping the target fresh in your sights.

2. Stick with It for Short Periods of Time

All too often, we look way ahead at the top of the mountain, and think of all of the challenges we will have to overcome. This can lead us to subconsciously believe that we have to do it all now, and guess what happens? You become overwhelmed and inundated.

Instead of the normal aforementioned practice, ask yourself this one question: can you commit to your goal for just 24 hours? Yes? Do it again the next day—then the next, then the next. Before you know it, time has passed, but your commitment to your success has stayed consistent and strong.

3. Have Something to Look Forward To

Is your calendar blank and full of white space, or full of exciting meetings, get-togethers, and seminars tied to your ultimate goal? Which calendar would you want to look at? Which one would draw you in to further commit and follow through with your goal to keep your momentum and progress fueled like a roaring furnace? If you set yourself up with the good ‘ol breadcrumb trail, you will find it much easier to make progress on a continual, daily basis. What’s more: you’ll have fun doing it.

4. Hold Yourself Accountable by Someone Else

Situations, circumstances, 'things beyond our control'—all of these things can happen, and it is easy for us to just say “that’s ok, I’ll do it tomorrow/when this is over/ once this is resolved.” But what you’re really doing is stalling your success and selling yourself short. Having someone on the outside—outside of your own excuses can be the absolute difference between sticking with it when times get tough, and throwing in the towel when it seems too much to bear.

Getting someone who knows your goals and will hold you accountable to follow through with action—to never let you off the hook regardless of how bad life gets—is an invaluable driving force that often makes the difference between just wishing for a dream, and seeing it through until it becomes your reality.

So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to go with the flow and join the 80%, or are you going to make a decision right now that you are going to take control of seeing your goals through to the end? The only person who can make that decision is you—and yes, you can do it.

Simple solutions customized to you and your unique goals, paired with unwavering support, is what I do at The Fit Pharmacist! Together, we fulfill your ultimate Rx4Success- please don’t hesitate to reach me at if you are serious about taking control of your life to the fullest extent possible—I am here to help.

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