Pharmacy Times
Preventing the dispensing of unnecessary, inappropriate, and side effect?prone medication, as well as obtaining an accurate medication and medical history, are important steps in avoiding problems with polypharmacy.
Dr. Vande Griend is an assistant professorat the University of Colorado DenverSchool of Pharmacy, Aurora, Colorado.
As the term implies, polypharmacycan be defined asthe use of multiple medicationsfor the treatment of a patient'smedical conditions. In addition, theterm polypharmacy suggests that moremedication is being used than is clinicallyindicated.1,2 The number of medicationstaken by a patient that constitutespolypharmacy has not beendefined.
Patients at highest risk include theelderly and those with multiple comorbidmedical conditions. These 2 patientpopulations often require multiple medicationsto treat multiple health-relatedconditions. Other risk factors includerecent hospitalization, being prescribedmedication from multiple physicians,and purchasing prescription medicationfrom multiple pharmacies.1,3
The fact that a patient is on multiplemedications to treat multiple diseasestates is not independently problematic.Consider, for instance, a patient withtype 2 diabetes and existing coronaryheart disease who has received a recentcoronary stent for a myocardial infarction.It is not unreasonable or uncommonfor this patient to be on 6 to 9medications to reduce his or her longtermrisk for diabetes complicationsand secondary coronary events. In fact,strict adherence to national treatmentguidelines for this patient will result ina minimum of 6 concurrent prescriptiontherapies. Polypharmacy becomesproblematic when negative outcomesoccur. Polypharmacy has been shownto result in unnecessary and/or inappropriatemedication prescribing; toincrease the risk for drug interactionsand adverse drug reactions; to lead tomedication nonadherence; and is alsolikely to increase overall drug expenditures.2
The prescribing of inappropriatemedication often results in polypharmacy.For example, consider an 85-yearoldwoman prescribed amitriptyline 50mg at bedtime for insomnia. Commonside effects of this medication in elderlypatients include constipation, urinaryincontinence, dizziness, dry mouth, anddry eyes. To "treat" the side effectsof this medication, a prescriber mayinitiate docusate with senna for constipation,oxybutynin for urinary incontinence,and eye drops for dry eyes. Here,the prescribing of one therapy to treatinsomnia results in a total of 5 medicationtherapies.
Employing a structured framework maybe useful in helping pharmacists reduceinappropriate or unnecessary prescribing,adverse events, drug interactions,and nonadherence associated withpolypharmacy. The process includesthe following and can be used by allpharmacists, regardless of health caresetting:
The role of the pharmacist in the preventionand treatment of polypharmacydiffers depending on the health caresetting. Long-term care pharmacistsroutinely evaluate drug therapy regimensin predominantly elderly patients.They adhere to federal regulations withthe goal of reducing negative outcomesassociated with polypharmacy. Hospitalpharmacists play a critical role in medicationreconciliation. Upon discharge,hospital pharmacists obtain a completeand accurate list of the patient's medications.They evaluate this list for drugtherapy problems that arise when medicationsare discontinued and initiatedduring hospitalization. Prior to patientdischarge, they intervene with the medicalteam to prevent or treat polypharmacy.Community pharmacists play a vitalrole in polypharmacy by preventing thedispensing of unnecessary, inappropriate,and side effect?prone medication.
In addition, any pharmacist in anysetting can obtain an accurate medicationand medical history, link each prescribedmedication to a disease state,identify medications that are treatingside effects, initiate interventions toimprove adherence, and reconcile medicationlists.
Side Effect
Common Drugs Causing Side Effect
Common Drugs Treating Side Effect
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- First-generation antihistamines
- Verapamil or diltiazem
- Opioid analgesics
- Calcium supplementation
- Psyllium
- Docusate/senna
- Lactulose
- Prednisone, pseudoephedrine
- Stimulants, antidepressants
- Theophylline
- First-generation antihistamines
- Benzodiazepines
- Zolpidem, zaleplon
- Antihistamines
- Benzodiazepines
- Gabapentin
- Opioid analgesics
- Stimulants
- Caffeine
- Modafinil
Cognitive impairment
- Oxybutynin/tolterodine
- Antihistamines
- Opioid analgesics
- Benzodiazepines
- Donepezil
- Rivastigmine
- Galantamine
- Memantine
- Metformin
- Antidepressants
- Proton pump inhibitors
- Antibiotics
- Loperamide
- Diphenoxylate