Pharmacy Times
Marketed by:
DermaPlus Inc (Staten Island, NY)
DermaLastyl-m Anti-Wrinkle AfterShave uses genuinehuman elastin tohelp decrease the appearance of existing wrinklesand restore a youthful experience. DermaLastyl-mAnti-Wrinkle After Shave's primary active ingredientelastatropin comprises a complex chain of >600amino acids. The protein elastin keeps the skin flexibleand able to stretch or contract, and then returnto its normal shape.
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Kao Brands Co (Cincinnati, OH)
Cur?l Life's Stagesis a new lineof moisturizersdesigned to helpwomen addressthe changing needsof their skin. Thecollection includesCur?l nurturing comfort Moisture Cream, Cur?l youthdefenseMoisture Lotion, and Cur?l skin fortifyingMoisture Lotion. The Cur?l nurturing comfort MoistureCream for pregnancy & motherhood helps improvethe skin's elasticity and alleviates dryness throughoutpregnancy and beyond. To help battle the earlysigns of aging, Cur?l youth-defense Moisture Lotionreplenishes essential building blocks found in naturallyyoung, healthy skin, increases skin's moisturelevel, and is clinically proven to provide healthier lookingand feeling skin in 1 week. Cur?l skin fortifyingMoisture Lotion for menopause & beyond helps maintainthe skin's elasticity, making it soft and suppleduring menopause and beyond. The products retailfor $7.49 each.
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HA Concepts Inc (Lexington, KY)
Conquer Omega T is a naturalanti-inflammatory formulacontaining Omega 3 andTurmeric for double-strengthjoint relief. Omega 3 supplementshave been proven toreduce inflammation causedby arthritis, improve cardiovascularhealth, and controlhigh blood pressure and cholesterol. Turmeric alsohas been shown to aid digestion and liver function,acts as an antioxidant in the body, and contains achemical called curcumin that is being linked withanticancer properties.
For More Information:www.conquerha.com888-843-2251
Marketed by:
Molecular Health Commerce Inc (San Diego, CA)
PrimaVu Herbal EyeDrops are indicated foruse as a lubricant toprevent further irritationor to relieve drynessof the eye. Theproduct will providerelief of dry or tiredeyes due to air pollution,smoky environments,dust, wind, salt or chlorine, fatigue due tocomputer use, or to freshen eyes after contact lenswear. PrimaVu Herbal Eye Drops retail for $9.99.
For More Information:www.primavu.com866-766-MHCI (866-766-6424)
Marketed by:
Roche Diagnostics (Indianapolis, IL)
The ACCU-CHEK Compact PlusBlood Glucose Meter providesan all-in-one convenience forpatients with diabetes. Themeter features a bold selfilluminatingdisplay that is brightand easy to read. The product'sload-and-go drum of 17 preloadedtest strips requires no striphandling, and the ACCU-CHEK Softclix Plus detachablelancing device has 11 depth settings and no side-to-side motion, which reduces painful skin tearing.Patients are not required to code the system. TheACCU-CHEK Compact Plus Blood Glucose Meter offers500-value memory with 7-, 14-, and 30-day averaging,provides 5-second results, 3 test reminders, event flagging,and hypo indicator.
For More Information:www.accu-chek.com800-858-8072
Marketed by:
Catalina Healthcare (Mendon, NY)
is thequick and convenientway to treat nosebleeds.The nasalpacking is a naturalbasedpolymer (calciumalginate). Assoon as the polymercomes in contact with blood it releases calcium, acoagulant, to actively stop the bleeding quickly. Thepolymer absorbs up to 20 times its weight, allowingthe individuals to insert the packing and forget aboutit until removal 30 minutes later. Nasal
doesnot tear new clots when removed and there are norebleeds that are often caused when using otheritems in the nose. Nasal
works fast and providesthe convenience that individuals are looking forin dealing with their nosebleeds.
For More Information:www.nasalcease.com800-650-NOSE (800-650-6673)
Marketed by:
Astavita (Burlington, NJ)
The company recently introducedits first completelyvegetarian product in itsline—AstaREAL Astaxanthin.The product is a naturalcarotenoid pigment harvestedfrom the freshwatermicro algae Haematococcuspluvialis. Astaxanthin helpsguard against the effects ofexcessive free radicals and isactive in many parts of the body, particularly in skeletaland smooth muscles and the ciliary body in theeyes. Clinical studies on the health benefits of naturalastaxanthin have indicated an increase in physicalendurance, muscle recovery time, reduction ofinflammation and eye fatigue, cardiovascular, diabeticsupport, and skin health.
For More Information:www.astavita.com800-507-4011
Marketed by:
Tender Corp (Littleton, NH)
Containing 20% ofthe active ingredientpicaridin, Natrapel8 hour offers familiesup to 8 hoursof protection frommosquitoes, blackflies, ticks, and otherbiting insects. TheDEET-free repellantis nonoily, nongreasy,and offers a mild scent rather than a heavyrepellent smell. Safe for the whole family, Natrapel 8hour is equally well suited for the backyard or backcountry.The product is available in a 3.5-oz pump for$5.99 and 12-piece wipes for $5.99.
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MDMA Rejected: The Story of a Study Participant Entrenched in Ethical Violations and a Data Breach