Pharmacy Times
A study reported in the March 2006issue of Headache determined thatpatients experiencing a migraine headachefound greater relief in a shorteramount of time after taking 2 ExcedrinMigraine tablets than patients taking 2ibuprofen tablets. The data came from adouble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlledstudy of 1555 migraine sufferers.Patients who took 2 Excedrin Migrainetablets when pain had reached a moderateintensity experienced significantlygreater relief during the first 2 hours.Their pain relief was significantly betterand was sustained longer (at the 3-and4-hour postdose marks), when comparedwith the ibuprofen and placebogroups. It took Excedrin Migraine 45 minutesto work, compared with placebo; ittook ibuprofen 90 minutes to work, comparedwith placebo. Significant relief wasachieved 20 minutes sooner in theExcedrin Migraine group, compared withthe ibuprofen group.
Ms. Farley is a freelance medicalwriter based in Wakefield, RI.
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