Pharmacy Times
A strategic alliance between WellPointInc and Resolution Health Inc (RHI) aimsto improve patient compliance with carerecommendations and lower out-of-pocketexpenses. The goal will beachieved through personalized communicationthat allows patients to take bettercontrol of their health and health caredecision making.
WellPoint will use RHI's proprietarytechnology and >1000 computer algorithmsto find new opportunities to helpclose the gap between care that is recommended—based on nationally accepted,evidence-based clinical guidelines—andcare that beneficiaries truly receive.Furthermore, RHI tools will be used toinform patients about the out-of-pocketcost savings by making more informedhealth care decisions.
Using its data-analytic capabilities, RHIwill assess WellPoint's patients' medicaland pharmacy claims data, laboratoryresults, and information that membersprovide through on-line health assessmentsand personal health records.These analyses will become the foundationfor customized communication programsthat target both patients and theirphysicians.
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