Pharmacy Times
Eisai Increcently announcedplans for anew pharmaceuticalproduction and formulation research anddevelopment facility for parenteral orintravenous oncology treatments. Thecompany expects ground breaking forthe new facility in the fall of 2006.Completion is anticipated in 3 years,withoperations beginning in 2009. Eisai has anumber of drugs in the pipeline forpatients with cancer.
"Oncology is one of Eisai's long-standingtherapeutic areas of focus, supportingour human health care mission toincrease benefits to patients and theirfamilies and satisfy unmet medicalneeds," said Lonnel Coats, president andchief operating officer for Eisai Inc.
The $90-million, approximately65,000-sq-ft facility will be located inResearch Triangle Park, NC. The buildingwill encompass aseptic processingsuites, laboratories, and othersupport functions. A separate $15-million central utilities building also isplanned to supply power, steam,chilled water, and compressed air tothe existing operations and the newparenteral facility.