Pharmacy Times
O-I Prescription Products' (Toledo,Ohio) 1-Clic prescription package isdesigned for use with O-I's 1-Clic vial,the easy-open reversible closure thatcan be used in a child-resistant orsenior-friendly position. The 1-Clic vialand closure, when used together,meet US Consumer Product SafetyCommission regulations for senioradult use and child-resistant packaging.The 1-Clic prescription packagereceived an Ease-of-Use Commendationfrom the Arthritis Foundation.The Easy-to-Use Products programwas created by the Arthritis Foundationto encourage manufacturers todesign user-friendly products andpackaging. Manufacturers submittheir product(s) for testing by an independentlab experienced in the designand evaluation of products that areaccessible to individuals with functionallimitations due to the effects ofarthritis. For more information,, or call 800-321-3391.