Pharmacy Times
A recent British study found that peoplewho have a higher intake of vegetable proteintend to have lower blood pressure (BP).The findings were published in the January9, 2005, issue of the Archives of InternalMedicine.
Researchers at the Imperial CollegeLondon collected BP data from 4680 peopleaged 40 to 59 from 4 different countriesover a period of 3 to 6 weeks. Data on theeating and drinking habits of the participantswere collected, along with urine samples.The investigators found that thosewho ate more proteins from vegetableswere more likely to have lower BP readingsthan those who ate less. In contrast to pastresults, this study found no link betweentotal overall protein intake, whether animalor vegetable, and BP.
The researchers are not exactly surehow vegetable proteins influence BP.They said, however, that amino acids,which are found in proteins, may play arole as they interact with other componentsof vegetables, such as magnesium.