The National Community PharmacistsAssociation (NCPA) is fighting against thecommoditization of pharmacy, the marginalizationof pharmacists as front-line healthcare providers, and the concentration ofpower over the pharmacy benefit in thehands of third-party intermediaries. Therefore,NCPA is directing its resources to focuson fundamental priorities that will protectthe long-term interests of pharmacists andbegin to redefine the pharmacy profession.The priorities include the following:
- Enlisting and leveraging the grass-rootspower of >24,000 independent pharmacists
- Demonstrating the value of pharmacistsin the health care delivery system
- Enacting HR-1671, the pharmacynegotiation bill, to create a level playingfield for pharmacists by allowingthem to negotiate with pharmacybenefit managers
- Working with state governments torecognize the value of pharmacists andguarantee fair compensation for theirprofessional services so that patientscontinue to have access to medicationand to community pharmacists
- Lobbying for legislative amendments tothe Medicare Part D prescription drugprogram
- Encouraging broad adoption by communitypharmacies of electronic prescribingtechnology